KG Mathematics

Month Theme Concepts & Skills Covered Activities/Exercises Assessment/Evaluation
April Introduction to Numbers Counting 1-5, Number recognition, One-to-one correspondence Counting objects, Number tracing Observation & participation
May Numbers & Counting Counting 1-10, Comparing (More/Less) Number hopscotch, Sorting objects Verbal quiz
June Shapes & Colors Circle, Square, Triangle, Identifying colors Shape hunt, Coloring activities Shape & color recognition
July Number Sequencing & Counting Forward Counting 1-20, Number order Arranging number cards, Number puzzles Oral counting test
August Basic Addition & Subtraction Adding and subtracting within 5 Counting on fingers, Story-based math Hands-on math activities
September Patterns & Sorting Identifying and creating patterns (AB, ABB) Bead stringing, Sorting objects by size/color Pattern recognition test
October Comparing & Position Words Big-Small, Long-Short, Above-Below Sorting items by size, "Where is the toy?" game Practical observation
November Numbers & Counting Beyond 20 Counting 1-50, Writing numbers 1-10 Number matching, Sand tracing Number identification
December Measurement & Time Concepts Long-Short, Heavy-Light, Morning-Evening Ordering by size, Comparing weights Oral assessment
January Money & Everyday Math Recognizing simple coins, Days of the week Playing "Shopping" with toy coins Real-life application test
February Introduction to Graphing & Data Sorting and arranging objects in groups Graphing favorite colors, Sorting game Data interpretation
March Math Fair & Year-End Review Recap of key concepts Math-related fun activities Final assessment

Key Highlights of the Curriculum

Hands-on Learning – Using objects, games, and activities to teach mathematical concepts.
Number Sense & Counting – Developing early math fluency with number recognition and sequencing.
Basic Operations – Introducing simple addition and subtraction using real-life scenarios.
Shape & Pattern Recognition – Encouraging visual and spatial awareness.
Interactive & Play-Based – Learning through songs, puzzles, sorting, and pretend play.
Math Fair – Allowing students to apply math skills through fun, engaging activities.