Grade VIII English

April 2025: Foundation and Engagement

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 1 - "The Best Christmas Present in the World" (Prose); Poem - "The Ant and the Cricket."
  • Grammar: Parts of Speech Revision (nouns, pronouns, verbs), Tenses (present and past).
  • Writing Skills: Paragraph writing (e.g., "A Memorable Gift").
  • Speaking/Listening: Storytelling session (Christmas or moral-based story).
  • Activities: Vocabulary building from Ch 1, recitation of "The Ant and the Cricket."
  • Focus: Reintroducing reading comprehension and oral skills.
  • Reading Assignment:  "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee

May 2025: Skill Development

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 2 - "The Tsunami" (Prose); Poem - "Geography Lesson."
    • It So Happened: Ch 1 - "How the Camel Got His Hump."
  • Grammar: Adjectives (degrees of comparison), Adverbs (types and usage).
  • Writing Skills: Informal letter (e.g., to a friend describing a natural event).
  • Speaking/Listening: Discussion on "Preparedness for Natural Disasters."
  • Activities: Map reading (Geography link), creative retelling of "How the Camel Got His Hump."
  • Note: Summer break may occur; assign holiday reading (e.g., Poem - "Geography Lesson").
  • Reading Assignment:  "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger

June 2025: Building Comprehension

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 3 - "Glimpses of the Past" (Prose).
    • It So Happened: Ch 2 - "Children at Work."
  • Grammar: Prepositions (time, place, direction), Subject-Verb Agreement.
  • Writing Skills: Story writing (e.g., "A Historical Adventure").
  • Speaking/Listening: Narrating an event from history or personal experience.
  • Activities: Comic strip creation for "Glimpses of the Past," group discussion on child labor.
  • Reading Assignment:  "Animal Farm" by George Orwell

July 2025: Mid-Term Preparation

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 4 - "Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory" (Prose); Poem - "The Last Bargain."
    • It So Happened: Ch 3 - "The Selfish Giant."
  • Grammar: Conjunctions (coordinating, subordinating), Active and Passive Voice (introduction).
  • Writing Skills: Notice writing (e.g., for a school play).
  • Speaking/Listening: Recitation of "The Last Bargain" with expression.
  • Assessments: Unit Test 1 (Ch 1–3 from Honeydew, Poem 1–2, It So Happened Ch 1–2, grammar, writing).
  • Activities: Role-play of "The Selfish Giant."
  • Reading Assignment:  "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding

August 2025: Exploring Themes

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 5 - "The Summit Within" (Prose); Poem - "The School Boy."
    • It So Happened: Ch 4 - "The Treasure Within."
  • Grammar: Articles (a, an, the), Sentence Structure (simple, compound).
  • Writing Skills: Formal letter (e.g., to the editor about education).
  • Speaking/Listening: Speech on "Overcoming Challenges" (theme from "The Summit Within").
  • Activities: Journal writing on personal goals, debate on "Freedom in Education."
  • Reading Assignment:  "Of Mice and Men" by John Steinbeck

September 2025: Term 1 Revision and Exams

  • Literature: Revision of Honeydew Ch 1–5, Poems ("The Ant and the Cricket" to "The School Boy"), It So Happened Ch 1–4.
  • Grammar: Revision of Tenses, Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, Articles.
  • Writing Skills: Practice of paragraph, informal letter, notice, formal letter.
  • Speaking/Listening: Revision through storytelling and recitation.
  • Assessments: Half-Yearly Exams (Term 1 syllabus: Honeydew Ch 1–5, Poems, It So Happened Ch 1–4, grammar, writing).
  • Activities: Mock tests, peer review of letters.
  • Reading Assignment:  "The Hobbit" by J.R.R. Tolkien

October 2025: Term 2 Begins

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 6 - "This is Jody’s Fawn" (Prose); Poem - "The Duck and the Kangaroo."
    • It So Happened: Ch 5 - "Princess September."
  • Grammar: Active and Passive Voice (continued), Direct and Indirect Speech (introduction).
  • Writing Skills: Diary entry (e.g., "A Day with Animals").
  • Speaking/Listening: Animal-themed storytelling or poem recitation.
  • Activities: Drawing or writing a sequel to "Princess September."
  • Note: Diwali holidays may occur; adjust or assign light reading (e.g., Poem).
  • Reading Assignment:  "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins

November 2025: Deepening Expression

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 7 - "A Visit to Cambridge" (Prose); Poem - "When I Set Out for Lyonnesse."
    • It So Happened: Ch 6 - "The Fight."
  • Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech (continued), Clauses (main and subordinate).
  • Writing Skills: Essay writing (e.g., "Importance of Meeting Great People").
  • Speaking/Listening: Interview role-play (inspired by "A Visit to Cambridge").
  • Activities: Poetry writing inspired by "Lyonnesse," discussion on conflict resolution.
  • Reading Assignment:  "Ender’s Game" by Orson Scott Card

December 2025: Application and Reflection

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Ch 8 - "A Short Monsoon Diary" (Prose); Poem - "On the Grasshopper and Cricket."
    • It So Happened: Ch 7 - "The Open Window."
  • Grammar: Punctuation (comma, semicolon, apostrophe), Sentence Transformation.
  • Writing Skills: Report writing (e.g., on a rainy day or school event).
  • Speaking/Listening: Nature observation sharing (linked to "Monsoon Diary").
  • Activities: Nature journal entries, dramatization of "The Open Window."
  • Reading Assignment:  "The Maze Runner" by James Dashner

January 2026: Consolidation

  • Literature:
    • It So Happened: Ch 8 - "Jalebis."
    • Honeydew: Revision of earlier chapters if needed.
  • Grammar: Revision of Active-Passive Voice, Direct-Indirect Speech, Clauses.
  • Writing Skills: Application writing (e.g., to the principal for a trip).
  • Speaking/Listening: Debate on "Honesty vs. Temptation" (theme from "Jalebis").
  • Assessments: Unit Test 2 (Term 2 topics covered so far).
  • Activities: Group storytelling, moral dilemma discussions.
  • Reading Assignment:  "His Dark Materials" series by Philip Pullman

February 2026: Term 2 Revision

  • Literature:
    • Honeydew: Full revision of Ch 6–8, Poems ("The Duck and the Kangaroo" to "On the Grasshopper and Cricket").
    • It So Happened: Ch 5–8.
  • Grammar: Comprehensive revision of Term 2 topics (Voice, Speech, Clauses, Punctuation).
  • Writing Skills: Revision of diary entry, essay, report, application.
  • Speaking/Listening: Speech on "Lessons from Literature."
  • Activities: Practice papers, peer teaching.
  • Reading Assignment:  "The Book Thief" by Markus Zusak

March 2026: Final Exams

  • Literature: Full revision of Honeydew Ch 6–8 (and select Term 1 chapters per CBSE guidelines), Poems, It So Happened Ch 5–8.
  • Grammar: Complete revision of Term 2 + key Term 1 topics.
  • Writing Skills: Practice of all formats.
  • Assessments: Final Exams (Term 2 syllabus + select portions of Term 1 as per CBSE norms).
  • Activities: Solving sample papers, oral revision quizzes.
  • Reading Assignment:  "Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry" by Mildred D. Taylor

Key Notes:

  1. Textbook Chapters: Honeydew typically has 8 prose chapters and 7–8 poems; It So Happened has 8–10 chapters. This plan assumes a streamlined syllabus; confirm with the 2025–26 NCERT edition.
  2. Grammar Progression: Moves from revision of basics (tenses) to advanced topics (voice, speech) by Term 2.
  3. Writing Skills: Progresses from simple (paragraphs) to complex (reports, applications).
  4. Activities: Designed to foster creativity, critical thinking, and oral skills.
  5. Adjustments: Adapt for holidays (e.g., Diwali in October, winter break in December/January) or school-specific schedules.