KG Science

Month Theme Concepts & Skills Covered Activities/Exercises Assessment/Evaluation
April My Body & Senses Identifying body parts, Five senses Touch-and-feel boxes, "What do I smell?" game Observation & participation
May Living & Non-Living Things Identifying living vs non-living things Sorting activity with objects & pictures Categorization exercise
June Plants & Trees Parts of a plant, What do plants need to grow? Planting a seed, Leaf rubbing art Oral quiz & observation
July Animals & Their Homes Identifying common animals, Animal sounds, Homes of animals Animal charades, Making animal masks Naming & matching activity
August Weather & Seasons Summer, Monsoon, Winter, Autumn, Spring Dressing for the weather, Seasonal sorting Discussion & picture identification
September Water & Its Importance Uses of water, Water sources Floating and sinking experiment Practical observation
October Air & Wind Air is everywhere, Things that need air Blowing bubbles, Making paper fans Concept recall
November Day & Night Sun, Moon, Stars, Day & Night differences Shadow play, Observing the sky Oral discussion
December Light & Dark Natural and artificial sources of light Playing with flashlights, Light vs dark sorting Concept check
January Healthy Habits & Hygiene Washing hands, Brushing teeth, Eating healthy Handwashing demonstration, Food sorting Real-life application test
February Transport & Vehicles Land, Air, Water transport Matching games, Toy car races Sorting activity
March Science Fair & Year-End Review Recap of key concepts Hands-on science fair projects Final assessment

Key Highlights of the Curriculum

Exploration-Based Learning – Using experiments, nature walks, and sensory play to introduce science concepts.
Observation & Inquiry – Encouraging curiosity and questioning through real-life experiences.
Hands-On Activities – Engaging children with sorting, role-play, and creative projects.
Basic Scientific Thinking – Teaching cause and effect, classification, and problem-solving.
Science Fair – Allowing students to demonstrate their learning through interactive displays.