Grade II Spoken English

Month Theme Topics/Skills Covered Activities/Exercises Assessment/Evaluation
April Greetings & Self-Introduction Hello, Goodbye, Introducing myself, How are you? Name circle game, "Introduce yourself" Observation & participation
May Everyday Conversations & Polite Expressions Excuse me, May I…?, Sorry, Thank you, Please Role-playing polite conversations Verbal response check
June Talking About Family & Friends "Who is in my family?", "Who is your best friend?" Show & Tell: My Family, Talking about a friend Speaking confidence
July Asking & Answering Questions What, Where, When, Who, Why, How Picture-based Q&A, "Find the Object" game Listening & responding
August Action Words & Daily Routines I wake up at…, I go to school at…, Play, Read, Write "Act and Say" game, Sharing daily routine Verbal recognition
September Describing Colors, Shapes, and Numbers "This is a red ball.", "The table is square." Color hunt, Guess the object Oral quiz
October Animals & Their Homes/Sounds "The lion roars.", "The bird lives in a nest." Animal mimicry, Storytelling Participation & engagement
November Festivals, Seasons, and Weather "It is raining.", "Diwali is the festival of lights." Show & Tell about favorite festival, Weather talk Speaking ability
December Food, Likes & Dislikes "I like apples.", "I don’t like bitter gourd." Market role-play, Food discussion Vocabulary recall
January Transport & Places in the Community "I go to school by bus.", "I see a hospital." Picture discussion, Storytelling about a trip Word recall & sentence formation
February Telling Simple Stories & Expressing Feelings "I am happy.", "This story is funny." Story sequencing, Role-playing emotions Speaking fluency
March Review & Spoken English Fair Recap of key topics Storytelling, Group conversations, Role-play Final evaluation & observation

Key Highlights of the Curriculum

Interactive Learning – Uses songs, rhymes, games, and role-play to improve communication.
Practical Conversations – Focuses on everyday situations and real-life speaking practice.
Vocabulary Expansion – Covers basic sentence structures, expressions, and question forms.
Listening & Speaking Development – Encourages confidence in speaking through structured activities.
Spoken English Fair – Provides students an opportunity to showcase their speaking skills through presentations, storytelling, and role-plays.